The Justification of God
An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23
The Justification Of God is a compelling exposition of Romans 9:1-23. Piper incorporates exegetical study as discusses the texts presentation of God's sovereignty from a Calvinist standpoint.
Originally published in 1983, this study was conceived as an attempt to understand how Paul defends the righteousness of God in Romans 9:14-23. It involves a broad effort to grasp what Paul means by the righteousness of God and raises the question of election and predestination.
Written in an irenic spirit with a keen awareness and interaction with all significant scholarly studies on Romans 9. Theology aside, it is a work of scholarship in its own right and the best on Romans 9.
G. K. Beale, Professor, Westminster Theological Seminary
I find The Justification of God the most compelling and forceful exposition of Romans 9:1-23 that I have ever seen.
Richard Muller, Professor , Calvin Theological Seminary
Piper leads one through complex exegetical issues, engaging important literature fairly, summarizing the arguments frequently, and stating his conclusion (and warrants) clearly.
Leander Keck
Even for non-Calvinists Piper’s work is too carefully reasoned and stays too close to the text to be ignored.
David G. Dunbar, President, Biblical Theological Seminary