Let the Nations Be Glad!
The Supremacy of God in Missions
Worship is the ultimate goal of the church. It is proper worship fuels missionary outreach.
In Let the Nations Be Glad!, John Piper offers a biblical defense of God’s supremacy in all things, providing readers with a sound theological foundation for missions. He examines whether Jesus is the only way to salvation and issues a passionate plea for God-centeredness in the missionary enterprise, seeking to define the scope of the task and the means for reaching “all nations.”
No book has had such a broad-ranging impact on modern missions as Let the Nations Be Glad! No story of missionary work has been told so well. No man has impacted modern missions like John Piper. But don't read the book because it's a classic, don't read the book for the riveting missionary stories, and don't read the book because of the man. Read this book because it will teach you to cherish God and worship him alone. Every Christian should read this book.
Mack Stiles, Pastor, Kurdistan, Iraq
Twenty-five years ago this book lit the fires of my soul for overseas mission work. It took me beyond a mere emotional yearning for conversions to an awareness that God's pursuit of redeemed worshipers from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation is the driving passion of his heart. This book changed how I read the Bible and how I saw my life, and I believe it will do the same for you too. I'm excited to commend this new edition to a new generation of readers.
J.D. Greear, Pastor, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
No book has had such a broad-ranging impact on modern missions as Let the Nations Be Glad! No story of missionary work has been told so well. No man has impacted modern missions like John Piper. But don't read the book because it's a classic, don't read the book for the riveting missionary stories, and don't read the book because of the man. Read this book because it will teach you to cherish God and worship him alone. Every Christian should read this book.
Paul Davis, President, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
When working on my PhD, I asked top missiologists for their list of the best books on missions. Let the Nations Be Glad! featured on every one of those lists. This book has become a classic on missions. John Piper has etched these unforgettable words on our hearts: 'Missions exists because worship doesn't. . . . Worship, therefore, is the fuel and goal of missions.' Thirty years after it was first published, may this new edition of Let the Nations Be Glad! give yet another generation of God's children a high view of God in missions!"
Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church
Let the Nations Be Glad! is one of those seminal works that is so rare its value is not fully recognized until time shows it more clearly. Churches, seminaries, and missionaries for the last thirty years have drawn heavily on this resource in recognizing the theological underpinnings of the Great Commission. By putting worship at the center of missions, the motivation and goal of missions find their right place and the God of the Bible is honored. Piper, by the grace of our God, has blessed the church, and by implication the ends of the earth, with this resource. May the King be pleased to use it as powerfully for another thirty years.
Brooks Buser, President, Radius International